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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


A happy couple celebrates under a structure made of four wands and beautiful green boughs - their efforts have been crowned with success. Sheaves of wheat are at the base of the wands, indicating abundance. A raven perches above them with a bit of clover in his beak.

This happy card represents a moment of celebration. Whatever you've been working on is showing good signs of success, so take a moment to revel in it. In fact, things are looking so well, you can use some of your gains to lay a foundation for the future, whether it's building a house, expanding your business, investing, or even getting married.

If reversed, this card warns you not to celebrate too soon. Things appear very fine but you need to wait a bit to make sure. It can also suggest that you rethink your plans for the future.

Use your intuition

  • There is a castle in the background. What is its significance?
  • The ravens holds a three-leaf clover. Four-leaf clovers are good luck, so what is the message of the three-leaf clover?

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